Our Staff Wellbeing Committee and Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Committees co-hosted an R U OK Day presentation yesterday for all our offices across Australia. As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting mental health and fostering a caring work environment; we dedicated this session to encourage open conversations about mental health and ensuring that we all feel connected and supported in the workplace.
During the session, our team members shared personal experiences with mental health, as well as tips for managers to support their fellow Engenites.
Thank you to Amy Hersant who facilitated the R U OK Day session and organised delicious cupcakes for our office to enjoy!
You can check out other amazing awareness days our committees have gotten involved with here: https://www.engeny.com.au/diversity-inclusion-belonging
#RUOKDay2024 #Engeny #mentalhealth
During the session, our team members shared personal experiences with mental health, as well as tips for managers to support their fellow Engenites.
Thank you to Amy Hersant who facilitated the R U OK Day session and organised delicious cupcakes for our office to enjoy!
You can check out other amazing awareness days our committees have gotten involved with here: https://www.engeny.com.au/diversity-inclusion-belonging
#RUOKDay2024 #Engeny #mentalhealth