Case Studies

Water Vision – Integrated Water Supply and Water Security Planning



Toowoomba Regional Council

Project Overview & Outcome


Water Vision is an integrated water supply strategy prepared by Engeny, which will guide future planning and investment for water and wastewater services for the Toowoomba region.


Engeny completed two iterations of the document, the first Water Vision 2050 and the second Water Vision 2071.

Project Details

The Details
  • A holistic 50-year strategy across rural and city areas of Toowoomba.
  • A complete water cycle management, from catchment to tap and back again.
  • Resilient solutions that are adaptive in time and to changing climatic conditions, including drought.
  • Long-term water security modelling, with a bespoke water security simulation model built by Engeny using GoldSim, including climate scenario assessments.
  • Fully integrated strategy that addresses catchment management, water supply, wastewater management, recycled water production and reuse opportunities.

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